Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dogs Are People Too

I have four dogs.  They have been with me through thick and thin.  They have watched me cry as life became overwhelming and they have celebrated with me when life was joyous.  Just like people, they are different from each other.  If I were to describe them as people, Bella is borderline hyperchondriac.  She is jealous and possessive of those she loves.  And she talks way too much.  Boo Boo is in the middle of an identity crisis.  He can't decide if he is a boy or a girl.  On one hand, he loves his pink toys and is overjoyed to be praised but on the other hand, he does like to, err, hump.  He's also as smart as they come and is the leader when it comes to plotting schemes.  Penny, well she is the middle-aged, laid back friend everyone would like to have.  She isn't afraid to talk back to you, but she isn't about to waste any unnecessary energy to do things either.  She loves a long nap in front of the fire or space heater so her joints don't hurt.  Finally, there is Pibble.  Pibble is young and rambunctious.  Every day is a day to live life to the fullest.  She wants everyone to like her, but she won't take any guff either and often feels left out of the group because she's the new kid on the block.  She slim and athletic, a real pretty little girl who loves to run.  Our last pack member passed awhile back, but let me describe Katy too.  (There is a reason)  Katy was a sweet old girl.  She never complained, even when she was in pain.  She just wanted to be with people, a wall flower.  She never wanted to be the center of attention.  She was fiercely loyal to her family and loved them regardless of how they hurt her (yes, I am referring to an accidental broken tail).  She gave her entire attention to whomever she was with and couldn't be bothered with anyone who wasn't part of her family.

So why am I describing my dogs this way?  I am a fierce opponent of breed specific legislation.  Under BSL, both Katy and Pibble would be considered dangerous dogs and banned from some communities.  Some states and countries would put them to death because of their breeds.  BSL means that ALL dogs of a specific breed are considered dangerous simply because of their breed.  Sound familiar?  Excuse my language, but it sounds a hell of a lot like Hitler's regime.  A dog is born.  Period.  Whether he or she becomes dangerous has a lot more to do with their training than what their breed it.  It also has a lot to do with which breed the media has labeled the demon of the week.  I think the self-proclaimed dog whisperer has said it best.

Each dog has it's own traits and tendencies and yes, most breeds have some generalized tendencies just as most stereotypes have some kernel of truth to them.  I invite you to say no, once again, to discrimination---for it if starts with an animal, how long before it rises to people....again?

Sign the Indiana BSL Petition here:  Indiana BSL Petition

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